
More from Madrid

Cristian Cortizo, Kickflip.
Michi von Fintel, Kickflip.
Cristian Cortizo, 5-0.
Raul Molina, Tailslide.

Here's a few of the photos I shot for the Quiksilver photo contest earlier this year. There's actually a few more from this set, I'll post them up here when I can.


Sidewalk #168

Will Harmon, Ollie to fakie for Sidewalk #168.

I've not seen it yet, but it seems this issue also contains my 'NikeSB in Malmo' article... Seek it out!


Built to grind

Michael von Fintel, Backside 50-50, Madrid.


Stay Gold

Braydon Szafranski
Mike Manzoori


Big Push #6

I just came back from yet another Big Push. This year I was embedded in the NikeSB camp, trawling the UK for decent stuff to skate regardless of the hour or the weather.
Crew deep.
Neil Smith, the only dude to skate in every Big Push.
Korahn Gayle and Chris Jones.
Trinity Square, Gateshead.
Snowy and Jake Harris.
Smithy and Rover.
Korahn at Port Seton.
Edinburgh from Port Seton.

More here, and even more in Sidewalk Mag #169, should be out at the start of October I think.