
Malmö and Lund

Lund skateplaza, this is how it's done.
Fallen Soldier.
Not sure.
Frosty and Snowy.
Korahn Gayle.
Dave Mackey.

For the next couple of weeks I'll be on this thing, it's non stop right now.



Saw this through the window of the Taxi from the airport; pretty cool.
Michi Von Fintel and some uninterested locals.
Dominik Dietrich.
Apartment lobby; all the furniture was chained together, I guess someone had stolen the previous set up.


Sidewalk #164

I've not seen this in real life yet, but it appears that my photo of Danny Brady, shot on the recent Blueprint tour, is on the cover of the new Sidewalk. I'm sure your local seller of skateboard magazines probably has this by now, I'm still in Madrid so I'll have to wait.


Madrid photo contest

I've been invited to particpate in this:I think it'll be 3/4 days of shooting in Madrid followed by an exhibition here. Photography competitions are usually a pretty weird scene but providing this doesn't FSU, it should be a good time...



Charlie Young.

Jensen vs. Dill